No title yet...... what if we were swallowed by an animal?
A large animal has swallowed us, it chews
us, it breaks our body, its wet tongue shakes us into the great hole of its
mouth, the sound is hollow, the air is hot, it melts us, it throbs like a
burning heart, we rock from side to side.
"The border is the place where
civilization can advance at the expense of the wild. It is a thin geographical
line where the old and the new, the known and the unknown, meet and limits are
This show has two versions: a longer one
for theatres and a short one for unconventional spaces.
COLABORAN / SUPPORT: Ayuda a la Creación Coreográfica Comunidad de Madrid 2016, Residencia L´Estruch de Sabadell, Residencia Técnica Centro de Creación La Nave del Duende de Cáceres, Residencia Temporal Centro de Danza Canal Madrid, Laboratorio de Creación Coreógrafos en Comunidad Madrid, Residencia Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria y Ayuda a Gira INAEM 2017.
Choreography and Direction: Beatriz Palenzuela Martinez
Asistant direction: Rafael de la Lastra
Dancers: Elena Susilla, Rafael de la Lastra and Beatriz Palenzuela Martinez
Lighting Design: Pablo R. Seoane
Set and Wardrobe Design: Babirusa Danza
Text: Walt Whitman and Beatriz Valenzuela
Original Music Composition: José Tranki and Chema Palenzuela
Production: Inés Gutiérrez Arciniega / IMPULSARTS
Photography: Miguel J. Berrocal
Duracition: 50 minutes aprox.